Sketching eider, heron and swan at Conder Green bird paradise!

I really like watching birds through my little telescope, I see so much that I’d otherwise miss. I felt like I was in some kind of nature documentary on Saturday, at Conder Green on the Lune estuary, watching a flock of lovely eider duck paddle around a fishing heron and a feeding swan, while the occasional lapwing pootered by, and a pair of herring gulls had a violent fight over a crab. This was only about 100m away from the footpath, but I’d not really have seen any details at all without the scope. It also means I can draw more easily, with my hands free, unlike when you’re using binoculars. The wind was blowing the heron’s tufts the wrong way, making it look like a bit like it had a mohawk.

I love the noise the male eider make. They sound like they’re going “Oooh! OOOH!” like they’re constantly finding something exciting! You can listen to them here on the RSPB website.

Eider, heron and swan at Conder Green. Watercolour sketch
Eider, heron and swan at Conder Green. Watercolour sketch