Bird sketches from Martin Mere and Conder Green

The first sketch was from this afternoon at Conder Green on the Lune Estuary. It was really warm and hazy and everything looked monotone and slightly washed out as if it was in an old photo.

The other sketches are from Sunday, at Martin Mere WWT reserve in West Lancashire. I loved sketching the flock of barnacle geese, they’re such lovely patterns. Also really like how you can sit at the cafe and draw or photograph, it’s very nice and civilised!

Not sure what the goose with the orange legs and yellow rimmed eyes is. Can anyone ID it?

Conder Green, September afternoon. Heron, egret, and lapwing
Conder Green, September afternoon. Heron, egret, and lapwing
Gulls, duck and Hawaiin geese, Martin Mere
Gulls, duck and Hawaiian geese, Martin Mere
Barnacle geese, Martin Mere
Barnacle geese, Martin Mere


Unidentified goose, Martin Mere
Unidentified goose, Martin Mere